We made it. Somehow Sandy didn't do anything to us except knock a tree down in the parking lot. Thank Goodness we didn't park our car in the last parking space there Sunday night or it would have been hit. Or maybe we should have parked my car there. As much as I love Clifford, (he is a red mazda 3) he could use a replacement with all the running I've made him do. Maybe next time. You know, since we have so many ridiculous storms like Sandy all the time aka once in a lifetime. Well, it's back to work tomorrow. I've been teleworking the past 2 days from Sandy and now I will be in the office once again. At least it will be Halloween and I made these cupcakes to bring in for our Halloween party! Hopefully these new co-workers don't make fun of me for my baking habits like an old group of co-workers. *cough cough*
Pumpkin Cupcakes with Caramel Frosting
Yield ~24 cupcakes
1 box spice cake mix
1 15 ounce can of pumpkin
1 package of butterscotch pudding mix
3 eggs
1/3 cup water
1/2 cup oil
2/3 cup sour cream
2 1/2 sticks butter
2 cups powdered sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla
1/2 cup caramel
In a bowl mix together the pumpkin, eggs, water, oil, and sour cream. Then add in the spice cake mix and pudding mix. Pour batter into cupcake tin. Bake for 20 minutes. Meanwhile put your room temperature butter in a bow and mix it with the vanilla. Then add in the powdered sugar 1/2 cup at a time. Last mix in the caramel.
If you want to make the ghosts all I did was use Wilton candy wafers and melt them in a baggy in the microwave. I then snipped a tiny hole in the corner and squeezed ghost shapes onto wax paper and let them harden.