
Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I've always wondered how you start the first post for your first blog ever. I thought about making one 5 months ago but decided against it cause the best name I could come up with at the time had something to do with Crisco... seems like it was a good idea that I waited. Also, it seems like an even better idea to be starting one now since I feel like I have a lot of good things going on in life. Some of these include but are not limited to making awesome food especially desserts, running my first 10K, taking some super neat vacations, and lots more that I will probably remember later. 2012 should be good.

Maybe what I should be doing is telling you just a little about myself. I am a meteorologist! I went to school for meteorology and used to forecast the weather but now I do more work with the instrumentation of it all. Weather is fun and exciting especially for someone who used to make their little sister play "tornado" in the basement at the ripe age of 8 during thunderstorms. What else, maybe that I am a bit of a food freak. I love food and eating lots of it. I remember going to a Max and Erma's when I was in high school with my family and ordering a Chicken Fried Steak for lunch. A certain member of my family made fun of me all day for ordering something that large just for lunch. That overindulgence in food and sweets has continued for the last decade and recently the sweets part has increased ridiculously. I started baking a lot just for the fun of it and now I find myself doing it quite frequently and coming up with a ton of new recipes which I'm really excited to share which leads me to my next recent love. Running! I decided a couple years ago maybe if start exercising I won't feel so bad when I get carried away... and the rest is history. I've decided to do a 10K in April in an attempt to see if maybe, just maybe, I could run farther like say... a half marathon. One day. 

Anyway, as I said earlier 2012 is looking up to be a good year so I'm hoping you might stick around and see what I have to share. There will be lots of fun recipes, pictures from super cool trips (one I will share soon to the wonderful city of New Orleans), probably numerous funny stories, and much more. Come back soon! As Titembay says, Peace out Playa.

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