
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blackberry Scones

Yesterday my day began by getting in my car at 5:45 AM to go to work. I turned on my Margaritaville radio only to find out it was National Margarita Day. Terrible timing to find this out. Obviously having a margarita at this time would be frowned upon. Plus it's a Wednesday AND it's Ash Wednesday, definitely not a party day. My party consisted of going to the gym after work only to end up in severe pain today andddd making blackberry scones. It all started because of buttermilk.

Many times you buy something for one recipe then you have a bunch leftover and you're like what the heck am I supposed to do with the rest of this? You couldn't possibly just waste it, especially if you're a cheap skate like me. That was me yesterday with leftover buttermilk from frying up some shrimp. I started thinking about what I could make. Scones sounded good and blackberries were on sale this week so it was my obvious choice. Also, since the weather has been so nice 60+ degrees! it made me want something summery aka berries.

I actually had never even had a scone before yesterday. This might make you question my recipe but I can tell you when I brought them into work they were gone within 30 minutes. Last night, I had my taste tester try them with me. After my first bite I was like "Is this what they're supposed to taste like!?" The response was yes. I had no idea they were more of a biscuit type thing.When I went to get them this morning, said taste tester had obviously taken another one out of the box after I went to bed.

Blackberry Scones
Yield ~12 scones

2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup butter, cut into small pieces
1/3 cup sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
1 egg
3/4 cup buttermilk plus another ~1/4 cup
1 cup blackberries

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Mix together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a bowl. Cut in the butter in small pieces. Mix this together until mixture is crumbly, you may need to get your hands dirty for this. In another bowl, mix the egg, buttermilk, and vanilla. Next throw your blackberries in the powder bowl to coat them. This helps to keep them from mashing too much and running in the dough. You could even freeze them so that they are more firm. Next make a hole in the center of the flour mixture and pour in the buttermilk mixture. Carefully fold the ingredients together so that the berries stay as intact as possible. If the dough is too dry add in more buttermilk a tbs at a time.

Once dough is all mixed together, sprinkle some flour on your counter top or cutting board. Place dough on there and begin to spread out. You want it to be about 1 inch thick. Once mine was spread out it was about a 10x10 inch square. I then cut it into 3 strips and cut 4 triangles out of each strip. Place triangles on a greased cookie sheet. Next brush them with a little buttermilk and sprinkle some sugar on top. Put them in the oven for 16 minutes or until slightly golden on top.

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