
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New News

It might be hard to believe I do anything besides bake food, let alone have time to do anything else, but I have lots of awesome things coming up in the next few months and they have nothing to do with it. Imagine that?! I'm so excited about everything and I can't contain my excitement so I had to write about it and bombard you all with the silly things that make me happy. I'm moving this Saturday which I'm slightly super looking forward to, even though I'll miss where I am now. Also, I JUST signed up for my first 10K today. Just the other week I set up my first fundraising event. Then I'm going to Aruba and doing the Take Steps Walk for the second year. My spring is chock full of fun.

First off, let me say signing up for a 10K is a big deal. Two years ago I couldn't and wouldn't run more than a mile. One year ago I ran 2 miles. In October I ran 4 miles and I've never gone past that. I will officially be running 6.214 miles kids. I'm going to do the Clyde's 10K. Why this one of all races? Well my boyfriend used to manage here and participate and he told me about the awesome brunch buffet at the end of the race. I was sold. A big buffet is totally worth semi-training for, right? I think so. Plus, I'm hoping maybe one day I'll be able to run farther so I guess this is a good start. I started officially "training" last Sunday but it won't get too tough though until the end of the month.

Before I get to do this race though, I am having my first fundraiser for Take Steps! Last year, I did this and it was such an awesome experience for so many reasons. I have Crohn's so it was a big deal to me and so began my journey to raise money for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. You can read all about my story or make donations on my Fundraising Page. Last year I had a fundraiser day at Chevy's in Annapolis and it was a blast so I just set one up again for this year all day on April 5. If you live in the Annapolis area and are interested in joining us for some fun or happy hour you can see the details here. You know you want a margarita... or four. Make it happen! Life is always more fun with a margarita and chips and salsa (my all time favorite snack in the world) in front of your face. It's even better if it's raising money. So for the mean time, I'll be looking forward to that. Then in the middle of May I am going to have a huge yard sale and donate all the money made from it towards the walk. Hopefully, we'll get to our fundraising goal but I know we'll make it happen :) Last year we were the top fundraising team which was so awesome to see how generous all of our friends and family were. Here's a picture of us walking last year. I'm kinda hoping next year maybe I can do the half marathon. That would definitely be a huge milestone for me!

Anyway, check back tomorrow for some cauliflower pizza crust. It was pretty darn amazing.

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