
Friday, August 10, 2012

Out of the Office

I did it again! I don't know how I'm ever going to remember to pack everything for my vacation tonight. Now I am going to have to wait until Friday to give you all the pork souvlaki recipe. This is really sad, I've been slacking big time in August. I have to wait to post it because I'm going to the Jersey Shore. I know you all are instantly thinking I might come back looking like this but do not fret!
There are actually normal people on the beach in New Jersey, at least I hope so. Otherwise I won't be coming back just as I left. Guess we'll have to wait until Wednesday to find out. 

In other news, as many of my facebook friends may have already seen today, I learned I can not cut a grapefruit. My dreams of ever enjoying a grapefruit just as my Mom has always prepared it were shattered. I was so excited to buy one at the grocery store and bring it for breakfast today. I cut it up last night so it would be perfectly prepared when I ate it at work today. No. Not happening. Instead I ended up with the most mutilated grapefruit half I've ever seen.
With that being said, it's quite obvious how my day is going to go today. Messily. So I'm going to try and salvage as much of my workday left as possible, if it's even possible. Probably not, instead I'll be awaiting my Menchie's date tonight. It only took 3 days to convince my boyfriend to finally come with me. I guess me chanting it while sitting on the couch Wednesday night wasn't quite enough. Menchie's... Menchie's... Menchie'ssssss 

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