
Sunday, October 28, 2012


Holy Moly! It's been 2 weeks since I've blogged. You normally get 3 posts a week out of me and I've left you with absolutely nothing. The first week I was on vacation and went from Asheville, NC to Savannah, GA to Charleston, SC to Raleigh, NC. It was quite the road trip and it was really neat to go from the mountains to the beach. Exhibit A, wake up at the mountains go to bed at the beach.
Then this past week I started a new job. At this job I don't have quite so much "free time" so blogging has not even been an option while I'm there. I'm going to have to start finding some other times to write my posts from now on. So I will do my best to start back up with the recipes this week! On to the real reason we're blogging today.

I was unbelievably excited about this until about one hour ago when I learned that I will have to take vacation tomorrow since I haven't been set up to telework yet. Major bummer, now for once in my life I don't want inclement weather. I'm so depressed but it is what it is. With that being said, this storm is a once in a life time kinda thing. It's pretty amazing and the effects that are going to come with it will be devastating. As I've told you all in previous posts, I'm obsessed with this stuff in a non-morbid way. Of course, I want everyone to be safe but I get excited about weather like a kid gets excited about Christmas morning. Maybe while I'm staying home tomorrow taking vacation I'll make a post with some pictures so far of everything. 

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